Dr Wang Lixun is an Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics in the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd), and his research interests include corpus linguistics, computer-assisted language learning, English academic writing, multilingual education, blended learning and outcome-based learning. One of his main research areas is English-Chinese parallel corpus studies, and he has compiled a 2-million-word English-Chinese parallel corpus, which is freely available and searchable online using a self-developed 'English-Chinese Parallel Concordancer' program (http://ec-concord.ied.edu.hk). He is the author of Introduction to Language Studies (2011) and co-author of Academic Writing in Language and Education Programmes (2011). He has also published in reputable journals such as System, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Language Learning and Technology, and International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, on topics such as Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Corpus Linguistics, Outcome-based Learning, the Use of Multimedia in the Teaching of Linguistics, and Trilingual Education in Hong Kong. He has published a translated novel and a number of translated journal articles. He won Best Paper Award twice at two international conferences. In 2011 he won the Scholarship of Teaching Award at the HKIEd. In 2014 he won the President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching at the HKIEd. From 2005 to 2012, he served as a committee member for the Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics. |